anarchy is just elvis in a spacesuit,
Friday, February 27, 2009

My tears don't stop when i think about her
Yes i don't think about her much anymore, or at all
I guess only she knows why until now im still single
But sometimes...

Like today,
i went to alkaff for fri prayers
i was early so i sat there and reflected
there i was sitting at the same spot 6 mths ago
6 mths ago where my fone was still her pic on it
her msg there ringing
then my heart went KRAK
Only ALLAH knows what i felt today
Yea i know but friday is a good day for me
i always reflect on this day,
i dunnoe why but my heart always feels at ease on fridaes

Its been close to 2 mths since i last heard from her
there were times where i want to call/msg/msn her
but i had p1
and also i couldn't do it
anw she has exams to study
i shldnt be disturbing her

I dn't wanna cry like a bitch
but tonight i feel like i want to listen to sad jiwang malay songs
strangely it makes my heart sad but the same time ok
and this strange feeling comes out

9:14 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

And I know it makes no sense
Cause you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
How every song reminds me
I'm so over being blue
Crying over you
Of what used to be

Her memories keeps coming back
I know i'm stronger than this
But God why do you break us apart but keep toturing n teasing me with dreams of her

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11:59 AM

Friday, February 13, 2009

At last, i finally got time for my blog.
Been tired out by P1 and school work.
Well life gonna be like this in 2 more years.
I guess that's why we get great people in Design School.
And Joyce this wont be another emo post. hehe
Well today had presentation on Singlish.
Followed by Prog meeting.
Im so flushed now.
Gonna play dota with my other self later.

So today is valentine';s day, im single.
I remembered what happened in sec sch when i was still playin the love game.
But now i can turn around and look at girls, stop sayingn my gf the most beautiful.
San told me to be nasty, be like a bad boy.
But i cant.
Im just too nice.
now thinking about P1 individual presentation on mon.

8:24 AM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wow today was FUN!
im not gonna write about wad happened in school cause i did in the moi p1 blog.
But just now after we done.. we the moi-ians went for dinner..
we all laugh2 in the bus..the guys talking u know what and the girls their girl talk
went to the foodcourt at tm to eat..had alot of fun laughing all the time
den gt challenge of staring at BC
gt sum1 bcome maintain member

my life is ok now.
but i wonder,jz wonder what she is doing now?
i know she doesnt think about me anymore.
Who m i in her busy life.
i might b wrong.if i bad
bt i jz thought abt her.
n positively.
myb she goin is bcuz she gt no time for me.
n only me.
she doesnt love me no more.
the 6 years was not waste of time.
i still have those sweet memories still in my heart.
i keep it for safe keeping.
i want to thank u for letting me feel what love is although for a while.
she wants us to be friends den well keep that way.
its for better aniwaes..
i can nvr be good enuf for her..not looking down bt i have look myself in the mirror
n reflected.
since she moved on, then i should too
wats more im a man..we shed no tears..only sometimes when needed
finally i get to let out things in my heart abit.

8:40 AM

Monday, February 2, 2009

WAH...Its been a while
I got a new blog!
finally i'm getting my life up and moving
Dnt want to drag the whole story..
i might be a bit emo in the nxt few entry..

10:00 AM

&The Monster

19 this year
Green Guy
Liverpool FC for life

&Silly cookie

Chomping Cookies
Loves this, hates that, wants those
I am hazziq, born in this place, age this, blah blah blah!

&Utter nonsense


&silly friends

Nina Nazliana
Edmund Chew
Joseph Jude Gomes

&silly life

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

May 2010

&big thankyou

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

x x x